
Welcome to MH-AVL! This blog was created by a group of (ovo-lacto) Vegetarian friends to try and show their non-vege friends what they eat on a daily basis! 

Usually when people hear 'vegetarian' they say something stupid like 'Oh vegan!' and instead of saying, 'No stupid.' you say: 'No no, I still eat dairy and etc...' Then you (normally) get the 'Why?' (or 'What's the difference?' If you do need to know what the difference is ask Google.) As if it's anyone's concern but your own! But we digress. A lot of people seem to think that a lot of vegetarians are vegetarian for health reasons. 
(See how I didn't say 'all'?)

This isn't always true!

In fact vegetarianism can be one of the most unhealthy life choices you make if you don't do it right. Would you like to learn more about how to lead a healthier way of life through nixing meat from your diet from a clever quirky blog?

Cool. This is not that blog. Hit up Google or somethin'.

Basically this blog is a good guide for 'What Not To Do (but we do it anyway because whatevs) for Vegetarians.'


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